Recording: (55min) Meet in Arcachon’s 50s schoolroom for a brief overview of how Helen has used SL (1) for personal language development (2) as a resource to support classroom-based French lessons (3) as a real space for teaching. Then
Machu Picchu Tour
Recording: (1h 5min) Join us for a tour of Machu Picchu, a real-life reproduction of the ancient ruins of the Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu, a rigorous simulation of a 60% real Citadel, built as part of the University
Beyond Simulation & Role play
Recording: (28min) (the visuals of the recordings in the beginning are poor and after about 5min, we are changing computers and visuals are much better then) Virtual Worlds are considered an effective tool for role-play and simulation scenarios, providing
AVATAR Project
Recording: (29min) This presentation disseminates the preliminary results of the EU funded project: AVATAR „Added Value of teAching in a virTuAl woRld“ ( The overall goal of the project is to enhance the level of ICT use in education
Pecha Kucha Night
A Pecha Kucha is a speedy presentation technique which originated 2003 in Japan and has since taken on a world-tour and todate Pecha Kucha nights are taking place regularily in 250+ cities around the world.The rules are simple: 20 slides
Motivating Teens
Recording: (1h) My talk will demonstrate a number of motivating activities and tasks for teenage students that support the increasingly popular belief that moving away from using a particular coursebook can benefit the learning process. I will talk about
Trends in education 2.0 for 2011 In this session Kirsten Winkler will give an overview on the emerging trends in education 2.0 for 2011 and beyond. Which verticals attract customers and funding, which are most likely to either vanish or turn into features of a
Language Bridge Technology – a New Approach to Learning EFL
Recording: (1h 3min, 57views since March 2011) When adults learn a foreign language and speak it fluently, they form a new language speech center in the brain that is separated from the native language center. We don’t think in
Extend the boundaries of your classroom with Technology
Recording: How can technology be used to empower students and help them become self-directed learners? In this presentation, I will be sharing some ideas for how technology can be used to motivate students to study outside lesson times, and
Soundcloud for listening and writing practice
Recording: (53min) Soundcloud is an audio web tool that allows users to upload various audio file types in order to enable listeners to have written conversations at any point during playback. This platform provides an ideal cross between receptive