Barbara Sakamoto Recording (31min) @barbsaka From Speaking to Writing: Teaching Literacy with Young Learners Students learn to speak before learning to read and write. This foundation enables students to learn to write using language that is familiar, and allows them
Sound activities for the ELT classroom by Mike Harrison
Recording (33min) Mike Harrison Sound activities for the ELT classroom Youtube trailer @harrisonmike Sound is a very powerful stimulus as it can evoke such strong feelings and emotions. Yet it seems a little underused as a resource in the language
The Avatar Classroom – A turnkey SLOODLE website connected to virtual 3D classroom
Recording (43min): YouTube trailer: Paul Preibisch @fireThe Avatar Classroom – A turnkey SLOODLE website connected to virtual 3D classroom In this session, Edmund Edgar and Fire Centaur will discuss how the Avatar Classroom can connect your Moodle Quizes, assignments, and online competitions