In this welcome address, Dr. Waldemar Martyniuk, Executive Director of ECML introduces the work of ECML in networking expertice throughout Europe to foster plurilingualism of citizens and intercultural education and to empower language teaching professionals through the strengthening of professional
LanguageLab Tour
Recording: (25min) Fri 23 April 2010, 3pm GMT (World Time) LanguageLab is Second Life’s largest language school and consists of a complete virtual town including residents, actors and educators. During this presentation Shiv will screenshare and tour us around
Elluminate Fire and Ice ESL! An all-inclusive blended learning experience to learn English at a distance
Online Presentation Thu 22 April 2010, 4pm GMT Elluminate, Inc., the world’s leading provider of virtual classroom technology, has created an engaging and fun opportunity to learn English as Second Language. The Fire and Ice ESL! program targets primary and
European Union language projects – resources for you; how to get involved
Thu 22 April 2010 10am GMT The European Union Lifelong Learning Programme funds a huge programme of education projects every year, but what projects are being funded and how can you get involved? This workshop will show you some past
Exploiting rich media web based content for receptive skills work
Online WorkshopThu 22 April 2010 10am GMT Exploiting a variety of rich media web based content raises a number of issues and challenges for teachers. However it is essential that we face these challenges in order to develop our students‘
Image and Text in Second Life: Une littératie en devenir/ The Becoming of Literacy
Thu 22 April 2010, 9:30am GMT In this book review prior to publishing, Ylva takes the participants through a fascinating journey of using images in Second Life. She presents the results of her indepth phd studies. In this bilingual presentation