A Pecha Kucha is a speedy presentation technique which originated 2003 in Japan and has since taken on a world-tour and todate Pecha Kucha nights are taking place regularily in 250+ cities around the world.
The rules are simple: 20 slides auto-advancing every 20 secs. (Video ‚A Pecha Kucha on Pecha Kucha‘)
What is still relatively new though is to hold Pecha Kuchas live online in a virtual classroom at an online conference. Kudos to all presenters who have the courage to do so!
Our most fabulous, original and courageous Pecha Kucha presenters at the 4th Virtual Round Table Conference were:
Marisa Constantinides of CELT Athens, „How to make things fall apart – a behaviour model for creating
incompetence in the classroom“
Ozge Karaoglu
Esra Girgin Akiskali
Shelly’s PRESTO (PRESent your TOpic in 10 slides auto-advancing every 20sec)
Wayne Cabana