Recording (37min):
Internet Chat rooms have a dubious reputation among EFL teachers. They are seen as dangerous places for students, but the judicious integration of chat can be of real benefit.
In a controlled, educationally focused environment, students can chat with invited guests who have been chosen by the teacher for their specialist knowledge. Students can plan what they want to ask the guest and, because chat is more immediate than email, they can practice the skill of asking follow-up questions in this live online environment. Used in this way, chat can improve students’ thinking skills and literacy skills, and help develop critical literacy.
In this presentation different types of chatrooms will be mentioned, as well as its pedagogical rationale; examples of the three modes –text, audio and video—will be provided, together with rules, chatiquette, possible projects and activities.

Instructional Technology Specialist
- CALL Consultant and Co-Director at
- TIC en el Aula Co-Director
- EFL Teacher- Advanced Courses, Self Access, Laboratory, Multimedia Coordinator at Asociacion Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa 1980- 2010
- Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner
- CALL SIG Coordinator at APrIR 2001-2008
- Member of “Webheads in Action”
- Presenter at online international Seminars and Congresses.
- Google Certified Teacher 2008
- CALL-IS TESOL Steering Committee Member 2009-2012
- WORLDCALL 2013 scholarship awardee
- ELTONS 2013 Nominee for TIC en el AULA