Recording (32min):
Rethinking our roles as teachers is a necessary exercise in this connected world. However, changing OUR WAYS is not easy. Besides facing limitations such as a set syllabus, we also have own beliefs as a barrier to accepting change. In this session, I intend to share a project being developed with my own students this semester where students are invited to reflect about the necessary language to produce digital content using language creatively. I’ll be explaining how I proposed the project, the initial steps, the activities we developed in class, the tasks proposed and will finally show some of the material produced by the students.

Ana Maria Menezes is an EFL teacher and teacher developer in Brazil. Head of the EDtech department of Cultura Inglesa Uberlândia. Helps teachers integrate technology to their classes by moderating the “Cultura EDtech” online course. Apart from posting at her blog LIFE FEAST, she has also written two e-books dedicated to language teachers: “Webtools applied to teaching” and “Developing the 4 Skills using Webtools”.