Recording (44min):
I’ve had a connection with English360 for quite some time as co-author of the Cambridge English for Nursing resources, one of which has been uploaded and repurposed for digital learning onto the English360 platform. However, I only recently delved into the platform in a more serious way and started exploring the advantages of using English360 to complement self-published material I have written and also to start writing courses entirely on English360.
One obvious advantage of English360 is to showcase the book I have co-authored – Cambridge English for Nursing+. I received a lot of feedback from teachers who use the book but need more support to feel confident teaching a sometimes unfamiliar subject. The advantage of using the Cambridge English for Nursing materials on English360 is that additional teacher support and also extra learner practice is provided.
The English360 platform has also allowed me to produce additional medical English material and courses. Some of these courses are ‘niche market’ e.g. OET Writing for Nurses. It’s often the case that relevant parts of a few courses need to be drawn together and added to in order to make a new course in a specialised area. This is one of the original tenets of English360 – allowing control over the Blended Learning outcome. Simple actions such as copying and pasting are all that is needed to mesh together a new course. Much in the same way teachers use the scissors and take bits from here and there to make a new worksheet!
Finally, the ability to add audio and video to units of my courses has been a real bonus. I am able to add audio clips for pronunciation of medical terms. I also have a library of short medical English videos made on Xtranormal which are easily embedded into my activities on English360. Of course, teachers using my courses can make their own activities to go with my videos and so the blending continues!

Virginia Allum is co-author of ‚Cambridge English for Nursing‘ Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate +. Author of several self-published EMP books for students and teachers. Currently updating resources for ‚Cambridge English for Nursing‘ Intermediate Plus on English 360. Producing Youtube videos of many of the dialogues in the book as well as the extra materials which are available online. Aim is to develop the CEN books as an integral part of blended learning on English 360.
Developing near-authentic Medical English materials for self-published books for medical English. Development of ‚Strategies for Successful Learning‘ programme at GCIT, Australia – Learning Support and study skills. Contributor to Infirmiers online French Nursing magazine Guest editor at Teachers Without Borders
Specialties: Teaching Teachers of Medical English