Moderation: Vance Stevens
Recording (26min):
The idea for TALIN was prompted by suggestions in numerous cross-fertilizing communities of practice that there was needed a space where members of these CoPs could meet online and talk informally to one another about how they are dealing with changes in their personal and professional contexts and what they are doing to help others in this trying time of pandemic.
TALIN events are open to all and free to attend.They are recorded and archived here and at Anyone can initiate an event by requesting Access to the TALIN schedule page and writing-in their event. The brief presentation will explain how TALIN came about and how you can participate.
Vance Stevens lives in Penang, Malaysia, and has produced almost 460 episodes since 2010 at His over 150 publications, many available in full text at, deal with students using computers to learn languages, and teachers learning to teach using technology by engaging in communities of practice and in participatory cultures. He facilitates online teacher professional development through numerous communities of practice. He has helped coordinate TESOL/CALL-IS Electronic Village Online (EVO) since 2003, He was recently awarded the 2019 CALL Research Conference Lifetime Achievement Award.