Moderation: Vance Stevens
Jane Chien, EVO Minecraft MOOC
James York, Kotoba Miners
Kim Harrison, VSTE
LIsa Alconcel, VSTE
Recording (1h):
Vance Stevens has co-moderated EVO Minecraft MOOC for the past 6 years. As founder and coordinator of TALIN, Teaching and Learning in IsolatioN, his picture and bio details appear in the entry preceding this one

Jane Chien is a Professor of Children’s English Education at the National Taipei University of Education. She teaches pre-service English teachers and provides curriculum consultation and teacher professional development to local elementary schools. Her recent research interest focuses on using Minecraft as a medium for English language learning and communication.

James York has been involved with language teaching in Minecraft since 2012 when he created his online Japanese language school: Kotoba Miners.
He has been written about his teaching methodology and how he utilizes the unique elements of all game modes for language teaching in Colin Gallagher’s 2014 book „An educator’s guide to using Minecraft in the Classroom“
He has also been on Colin’s youtube channel three times to talk about his Kotoba Miners project. He is currently not teaching formal classes using Minecraft, but still participates in informal weekly Japanese let’s play sessions on the Kotoba Miners server. You can join the action on their Discord:

Kim Harrison is retired from Virginia Beach City Public School where she was an Instructional Technology Specialist (coach) in a K5 school. She volunteers for the Virginia Society for Technology in Education’s Virtual Environments PLN. Playing Minecraft since 2012. Partner on East Coast Miners, a server for 6 to 16 year olds. 2015 VSTE Innovative Educator of the Year award winner. Grant winner for Minecraft Education Edition for her entire school for 2017-2018!

Lisa Alconcel was a teacher for over 40 years, the last 20 years as Red Mill Elementary School’s Instructional Technology Specialist. Recently retired, she remains a member of the VSTE Virtual Environment PLN, participating in Second Life and Minecraft.