Joe Dale

Recording (57min): 

In this practical keynote, Joe Dale will demonstrate a variety of ways language teachers can start online teaching. He will:

  • use Jamboard to gather thoughts from teachers on remote teaching
  • give an overview of articles and resources around remote teaching highlighting the TiLT webinar series organised by the Association for Language Learning London branch
  • give advice on security features using video conferencing tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet
  • demonstrate how to use Flipgrid to practise speaking and listening skills in a moderated environment through teacher and student-produced videos, screencasts and whiteboards
  • demonstrate how drawing tools and Charlala can promote speaking and listening skills and make your online session more pupil-centred
  • QWIQR Conversations to practise dialogue work and audio feedback asynchronously in a moderated remote learning context
  • show how Quizizz can be used for listening comprehension practice

Audience participation will be actively encouraged so please come along and join in the fun!

Joe Dale is an independent languages consultant from the UK who works with a range of organisations such as Network for Languages, ALL, The British Council, the BBC, Skype, Microsoft and The Guardian. He was host of the TES MFL forum for six years, former SSAT Languages Lead Practitioner, a regular conference speaker and recognised expert on technology and language learning. He has spoken at conferences and run training courses in Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, the Far East and Australasia. He was a member of the Ministerial Steering Group on languages for the UK coalition government and advised on the Linguanet Worldwide project for The Language Company. He created ICT activities for the new Institut Français, ALL and Network for Languages Primary French Project Niveau Bleu, Blanc and Rouge courses and was short-listed for a NAACE Impact Award in 2013 too. Joe supported the Erasmus Plus project Conflict to Cooperation with 5 European countries and is currently involved in the Supporting Schools Reform in Algeria project through the British Council. He was recently described in a Guardian article as an ‚MFL guru‘ and ‚the man behind the #mfltwitterati.‘.

Keynote – Having a play! Simple interactive activities for remote teaching

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