Recording (19min):
The Belgian English Language Teacher’s Association (BELTA) was formed just 6 months ago, but in that time it has managed to provide its members with a selection of quality professional development (PD) opportunities. Even though we live in tough economic times, at BELTA we think it’s possible to offer all kinds of PD without spending a lot of money, due mainly to the facilities that are now available to us online. In this talk, I will outline the variety of PD that BELTA makes available to its members, now and in the future.
Mieke Kenis has been an English teacher for over 30 years. Year after year her enthusiasm and passion for English win over her university college students. Mieke’s insatiable appetite for information led her to discover Twitter and the global world of ELT and she has been an addict ever since. As well as being one of BELTA’s founding members, she is also the Finance Officer, and is a modertor for the #eltpics resource for teachers. Mieke has a Master of Germanic Languages from the University of Leuven.
Ellen De Preter is BELTA’s vice-president and co-founder has been teaching English for the last two years, but has been an Anglophile her entire life. Ever since her first IATEFL, Ellen has been hooked to the buzz of English language conferences, and is now our very enthusiastic Membership Officer. She has a Bachelor in Translation and Master degrees in Journalism and American Studies.