Recording:  (1h7min)

Virtual World Best Practise in Education is a mega educational conference in Second Life which saw some 190 sessions, 2447 participants (2,077 unique avatars in 2010) and which ran for 54 hours.  Sadly you missed it because it took place last weekend (17-19 March 2011)  Many of us were there and it was a BREATHTAKING experience of a scale that just blew you away. The top level presentations on how to use virtual worlds (not only Second Life) for education were really really good.  I am pleased to announce that Kavon Zenovka, one of the organisers of the conference has agreed to tour us through the conference ground and to tell us more about this mammuth undertaking. A mammuth undertaking, that, so we were stunned to discover, cost 1800 USD to run.

About Kae Novak aka Kavon Zenovka

For the last four years, Kae Novak has been an instructional designer with Online Learning at Front Range Community College focused on design for student engagement and success. She has been the coordinator and training developer for the campus-wide annual Teaching with Technology conference for all college faculty.  She has also designed and taught campus and online faculty professional development courses on serious games, virtual worlds, new media literacy and an introduction to mobile learning.

Photo credit: Caliburn Susanto

Tour: Virtual World Best Practise in Education Conference ground

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