Recording: (57min)
You’ve probably seen QR Codes already, maybe in the supermarket, but have not known what they are or how they might be relevant to you …. but trust me, you are going to find these extremely useful as a learning resource … and the students are going to find them fun and motivational.
QR Codes are a bridge between the real world and the online world. In this session we will look at what QR Codes are … how to make them and how to read them … and how they might be used by teachers and students both in the classroom and outside.
If you own a ’smart phone‘ then please have it with you for this session, first install any free QR Reader App (use Google to find one) This session is in Second Life, using voice, I’ll also be asking you to use a web-browser at the same time. (could be on a different machine … if you have 2)
Chris Smith [Shamblesguru Voom], digital nomad evangelist, has been working mainly with International School teachers in S.E. Asia for more than 25 years. He was previously the ICT Advisor for the English School Foundation (ESF) in HK where he was the Head of their teacher Professional Development Centre and then responsible for writing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the Foundations overall ICT Development Plan. In 2002 he established a consultancy “The Education Project Asia” to extend these support opportunities to other International Schools across 17 countries in S.E. Asia focused on the “Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning”. He is based in Thailand, and all over the internet.