Recording (35min) :

Shiv Rajindran

LanguagelabThe Opportunities and Challenges of Virtual World Language Learning

Based on 6 years practical experience of teaching English in virtual worlds, this talk discusses the development of language learning using the medium over the years. The speaker will highlight several different methods of language learning that virtual worlds can facilitate. The opportunities and challenge they bring and how they can differ from traditional forms of language learning will also be discussed. Examples of students who have learned English via this medium will also be shown and their motivations and success reviewed.


Shiv co-founded in 2005. Since then Languagelab has spent more than 6 years developing virtual worlds as a Language learning platform, conducting tests with hundreds of students from dozens of countries. Shiv has a Masters degree in Digital Culture & Technology, a background using technology for a variety of purposes, and is a lifelong gamer.

The Opportunities and Challenges of Virtual World Language Learning by Shiv Rajindran

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