Beitrag gepostet von Shelly Terrell
RECORDING: http://lancelot.emea.acrobat.com/p79497851/
Saturday, 9 October 2010 – 9am GMT
Web 2.0 tools are everywhere and many teachers are confused by the choice. www.teachertrainingvideos.com has become a major source of training for web 2.0 and in this talk Russell Stannard will highlight the most effective tools for language teaching based on feedback from over 10,000 users of his site.
About Russell Stannard (University of Westminster)
Russell Stannard
http://www.writingfun.com – Writing fun by Jenny Eather
http://www.triptico.co.uk – Word Magnetswith many different boards
http://www.mailvu.com/ – voice and video recording
http://www.vocaroo.com/ – voice recording