Recording (54min):
Curating content may well be the latest online trend. Because most of the tools are also social networking tools, curating is a great first step to getting connected with other like-minded teachers from around the world.
This talk will outline steps to discover great content online, organize and save it for future use (curation) by showing some great bookmarking and curation tools. I also hope to share some ideas on how to evaluate, create or co-create your own content (creation) and how to share it with your colleagues or your learners.
Marisa Constantinides is a teacher educator & Director of CELT, a Cambridge CELTA & DELTA centre in Athens and online. She is a frequent conference presenter with publications including materials for children, literature and numerous articles on TEFL, Language, Linguistics and Education. A member of IATEFL International, she an active ELT blogger and Twitter user (moderator of #ELTchat) nominated for an ELTons Award in 2012.