Recording (36min):
YouTube trailer
David Parrot
Kiski Boys School Virtual Worlds
Teaching Boys in Virtual Worlds Experiment
Can social learning take place in a virtual reality environment? Do boys in this environment exhibit the peculiar styles of interacting and learning that education theorists believe are clearly related to their gender? These are the two questions which this qualitative experiment which was conducted with boys who were enrolled in the Kiski School in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania attempted to answer. In order to address these research questions high school age boys were taught in both a real world and a virtual world classroom. Through observation and analysis of the interviews, the authors of his study hoped to find what improvements might need to be made in the virtual world system and how problems with student performance and behavior (including those related to gender) might need to be addressed for this to be a viable learning platform for future research and possible future implementation.
David L. Parrott is a doctoral candidate at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where he is conducting research into the use of virtual worlds in education and a member of VERGE – the Virtual Environments Research Group in Education – which is headed by Dr. James S. Lenze. He maintains a blog at which chronicles some of his work in virtual worlds – as well as a youtube channel with machinima and other video work…. Having spoken or studied 7 languages, he is interested in how virtual worlds might be used in teaching children language.