Recording (1h6min):
In this webinar it will be tried to explicitly emphasize the advantages of simple, but highly effective Internet applications (e.g. free eLearning-tools) for the EFL classroom. This practically-oriented webinar is dedicated to the impressive potential of educational Web 2.0 tools (i.e. educational internet tools for the PC) that can also be used by computer illiterates. The focus will be on methodological design (i.e. how the presented tools can be efficiently used in the EFL-lesson), not on complex technological issues.
Presenting simple 1-2-3-clicks-applications, it will be shown how the internet can be used in order to design effective EFL-Blended-Learning-sequences supporting the students’ speaking, writing, listening and reading skills. Teachers will be able to immediately use the tools the next day in their own lessons. Selection of tools: WDr. Tordle, Audioboo, Littelbirdtales, Storybird, Learning Apps, Cueprompter, Toondoo, Mailvu, Padlet, Flipsnack, Voki, Markup, Tricider, etc.
Dr. Thomas Strasser is New Learning Technologies Researcher, EFL teacher and teacher trainer at Vienna University College of Teacher Education. He received his PhD from the University of Vienna in language teaching methodologies and new learning technologies and he has been a coach and key note speaker at many international conferences on the subject. He has written several ELT textbooks and scientific articles/monographs related to new learning technologies. | @thomas_strasser