Recording (54min):
Digital literacies
Digital literacies, the technical skills and social practices needed to effectively interact with digital technologies, are key 21st century skills, and are increasingly important in educational curricula. What exactly are these literacies, and where might they have a place in the English language classroom? This plenary looks at some of the theory underpinning digital literacies, and also outlines practical classroom activities for students in the language classroom.
Nicky Hockly is Director of Pedagogy of The Consultants-E [], an online teacher training and development consultancy. She presents at conferences internationally and is co-author of How to Teach English with Technology (2007), Learning English as a Foreign Language for Dummies(2009), Teaching Online (2010), and Digital Literacies (2013). She has published an e-book with The Round, called Webinars: A Cookbook for Educators (2012), and she maintains a blog at She is currently working on a book about mobile and handheld learning in ELT with Gavin Dudeney (due out in 2014), and is a technophobe turned technophile.
Gavin Dudeney is Director of Technology for The Consultants-E and a leading expert in the application of technologies in language education. He works primarily in online teacher education for the application of technologies in teaching, and in consultancy work in the same field. Gavin is author of, among others, The Internet & The Language Classroom (Cambridge University Press 2000, 2007), co-author of the award-winning How To Teach English with Technology (Longman 2007) and co-author of Digital Literacies (2013). He is currently writing a book about mobile learning, to be published by Delta Publishing in 2014.