Beitrag gepostet von Shelly Terrell
RECORDING: http://lancelot.emea.acrobat.com/p68102445/ (31min)
Introduction to Moodle, Kevin Westbrook
A demonstration of the basic features of Moodle and how easy it is to set up a course yourself! This workshop will give a brief overview of this popular virtual learning environment (VLE), show you what activities are available, and give you the opportunity to produce an activity in Moodle yourself. You will also gain an insight into some administration aspects of Moodle, such as the role system and how files are organised.
About Kevin Westbrook
Kevin Westbrook is a Director of Training at Pete Sharma Associates Limited (www.psa.eu.com) and has been involved in EFL since 1997 on a full-time basis. He is particularly motivated to show language teachers the benefits of using technology in their teaching and how easy it can be. He has had a regular column on blended learning in English Teaching Matters magazine and writes articles for various publications. He has a Masters in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching and now proposes to spend more time with his family!
Recommended tasks:
Easy! – adding resources such as a link to a file or web site or adding a label. Also, adding calendar entries, news or contributing to a forum.
Getting harder – adding activities such as a survey or questionnaire, uploading an assignment, setting up a chat or forum.
Getting tricky! – activities such as quiz, database or wiki.
user name: teacher 2 to teacher 10
Password: Teacher
http://moodle.org/course/view.php?id=15 (This shows courses, modules, quizzes etc. for sharing)
Found this http://demo.moodle.net/ in (some) different languages
For more info email: kevin.westbrook@psa.eu.com