Recording (27min):
The discussion on the pros and cons of online testing is an ongoing feature in the world of testing, evaluation and assessment. The supporters of online test systems make a number of claims to demonstrate the high level of quality, efficiency and effectiveness offered by such tests. On the other hand, there are many skeptics who are not yet prepared to accept these claims and point out the various possible risks and problems involved, which can have an adverse effect on quality standards. The talk will look at the theoretical background to and the development work on both the Mondiale online proficiency test and placement test to illustrate how the views of both parties have been taken into consideration in the test design. At the end of the talk there will be a Question and Answer session providing ample opportunity to discuss, make comments or to ask for further details on any of the points raised, particularly within the context of quality issues (= e-quality).

Geoff Tranter has forty years of experience in language teaching in further and adult education covering all areas of English language teaching including vocationally oriented classes. For most these years Head of Department and/or Director of Studies. Thirty years of experience in language testing covering all aspects such as curricular development, production of test materials, examiner training and quality control. Now a freelance consultant for many institutions including ministries of education, the German Civil Aviation Authority and for German airlines in the field of language tests for German pilots. Course book author for language learners at all levels. Regular speaker at international conferences.