Recording (37min)
YouTube trailer
Al Doyle
Twitter @aldoyle
Game Design in Schools
Game design has undergone major paradigm shifts in the last few years allowing younger and younger kids the opportunities to build compelling and original games with little or no prior experience or programming skills. This workshop will introduce and highlight several game design platforms with the pros and cons of each given to the audience so that they can build their own game design program in a school, after-school, club or camp setting from the materials presented.
Artist, professor, teacher and gamer interested in all things visual, musical and playful. Over 3 decades teaching experience at virtually every level of school from pre-k to Graduate School in subjects ranging from studio art, web design, animation, multimedia and game design.
Founding faculty at Quest to Learn, a „school for digital kids“ in NYC. Currently Chair, Visual & Performing Arts at the Dwight School, an International k-12 school in NYC. Recipient of a $10,000. Cisco Innovation Grant in 2010. Numerous fellowships for art and design from R.I.S.D., the Jerome Foundation, Skidmore College, Vermont Studio School. M.A. in studio art from N.Y.U.