Beitrag gepostet von Shelly Terrell
RECORDING: http://lancelot.emea.acrobat.com/p79497851/
(55min – the first 30 min Russell Stannard and from 28min onwards Janet Bianchini, sorry we forgot to switch off the recording in between)
Saturday, 9 October 2010 – 9:30am GMT
This presentation outlined a few techniques and showcased a few Web 2.0 tools for helping learners understand and practise phrasal verbs.
Janet Bianchini is a “veteran” teacher with over 30 years experience in English Language Teaching. She retains the same passion for her job as when she first started her career in 1979 in Madrid, Spain.
She is currently based in Civitaquana, Abruzzo, Italy. She enjoys working as a freelance teacher trainer, and also learning about new technologies and how they can be incorporated into lessons.
View her blog for more great technology tips or follow her on Twitter, @janetbianchini.
Janet Bianchini, Phrasal Verbs and Web 2.0 Tools
Janet’s blog
Follow her on Twitter: @janetbianchini
Janet’s Xtranormal http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/6322613/
Go Animate, http://goanimate.com/
Zimmer Twins, http://www.zimmertwins.com/
http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/– Russell says easier to use than Toon Doo
Use Wordle to get students to guess the questions, combine mixed sentences
Use images for phrasal verbs
Phrasal verb to sell a blank t-shirt
Odd word out
Janet’s Phrasal Verbs Post http://civitaquana.blogspot.com/2010/04/teacher-reboot-campguest-post.
Big Huge Labs http://bighugelabs.com/