Recording (27min):
The Cambridge YLE examinations Starters, Mover and Flyers are now an established international benchmark for young learners of English around the world. With their increasing popularity comes increasing pressure for teachers to prepare their students for these exams and we run the risk of swamping our kids with swathes of past papers. This session will explore ways to get our YLs to not only prepare for these exams but also develop as independent learners at the same time. Activities will be presented that can be done independently by students online, either as stand-alone activites or as extensions of class-based work, using simple tools such as class blogs and other freely available web tools. These activites aim to make exam prep a learning-focused experience rather that a ‚testing‘ one.

David Dodgson is a highly experienced teacher of young learners based in Ankara, Turkey. He holds an MA in Educational Technology and TESOL from the University of Manchester and, in addition to his teaching duties, he runs his school’s blogging programme and presents at conferences both face-to-face and online. His areas of interest include professional development for language teachers, effective use of technology in class and dogme ELT. He blogs at and you can follow him on Twitter @davedodgson