RECORDINGS: (1h01min*)
and in the igloo in the end for a chat (1h20min**) How much fun winter activities can be in Second Life! All 24 of us thoroughly enjoyed each others company ice-skating, sledging, sitting around bonfires and talking. Those who stayed longest though, were in for some valuable gift as Stylianos started talking and giving tips on how to make money in Second Life. In case you missed it, don’t worry it has been recorded and these recordings are – in a literal sense – quite precious.

To put the ice-skates on was quite some activity already for some of us and you can see on the recordings how this is done. And Pete McKichan was quite a show with a forever changing avatar!
At one time the Greek participants with Marisa, Jose, Alexandra, Aristoteles and Stylanius clearly outnumbered us and we were enchanted by Greek conversation after which the ‚καλή νύχτα‘ (cahlee-neet-ah) came quite natural.
Before we said good night to each other though, we were fascinated to listen to Stylianus about Dr. Karl Kapp speaking at the University of Washington about how to make money in Second Life. His insights on the importance of virtual goods, telecollaboration and a fully-immersive experience by the learner are certainly precious to listen to. His comprehensive analytical talk on how to set-up a business in Second Life really interesting for those who would like to set-up a language school in Second Life. Here is the google docs with the summary and all the links and here is the mp3 recording which I highly recommend listening to.
(*if you click on the Scroll button inside the Whiteboard of the Screensharing, you can even read the text chat. The first couple of minutes, the screensharing is in a relatively small window until I
noticed the wrong settings and put it on full screen)
(**you will hear some Greek in the beginning but dont worry, it will soon change into English)