Vicky Saumell

This session aims at showing the potential of using startpages as very easy tools to make websites to organize your personal and school online resources. We will explore different applications to make startpages as well as how they are set up, what can be included or embedded and their possible uses for educators. We will do this by watching examples and creating our own startpage.

About Vicky Saumell

Vicky Saumell holds a degree in Translation and a Diploma in the Theory and Methodology of TESOL. Co-author of Pearson’s Teacher Development Interactive: Preparing for the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT). Author and tutor of New Learning Environments for the Master’s in ELT at Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia. EFL Coordinator at Instituto San Francisco de Asís, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Using startpages to organize your personal and school online resources

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