Recording (1h28min)
YouTube trailer
EVO / Earth Day
Moderated by Vance Stevens
Teresa D’Eca
Robert Squires
Mary Hillis
Vance Stevens
Heike Philp
Nellie Deutsch
Carla Arena
EVO stands for Electronic Village Online and is the pre-conference of the TESOL convention and takes place in January/ February each year. It consists of a series of 5-week workshops and has been conducted 11 times already. Some 2000 language educators take part in EVO sesssions and this year some 14 EVO sessions took place. Language teachers can learn for free about Becoming a Webhead, Drama, Digital Storytelling, Digital Tools, PLNs and PLEs, Gamification, Multiliteracies, Video production in SL, Mentoring, Moodle, Podcasting, Social Networking and Social Media.
Earth Day is an annual event which is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. It was founded by Denis Hayes in 1970 and is an event to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth’s natural environment. Since the VRT is an eco-friendly web conference, we are delighted that Vance Stevens offered to perhaps include the webcast into the global activities of the Earth Day Community.
NOTES from the panel discussion
Earth Day is today
EVO Electronic Village Online 2012
Becoming a Webhead
Teresa Almeida d’Eça,
Fernanda Rodrígues
Larissa Olesova
Developing our Mentoring Skills
Valerie Jakar
Laura Stountenburg
Marina Gonzalez
Digital Storytelling for Young Learners
Shelly Terrell
Özge Karaoglu
Barbara Sakamoto
Esra Girgin
Jennifer Verschoor
David Dodgson
Michelle Worgan
Sabrina de Vita
Digital Tools with Purpose in the Classroom
Ana Maria Menezes
Carla Arena
Cheryl Oakes
Erika Cruvinel
Jane Petring
Kathy Epps
Mary Hillis
Nina Lyiulkun
Saša Sirk
Video Productions of Language Learning Conversations
Randall Sadler
Doris Molero
Heike Philp
Edith Paillat
Marius Madrigal
Dennis Newson
Carol Rainbow
Marisa Constantinides
MOODLE for Teachers
Nellie Deutsch
Ludmila Smirnova
Multiliteracies for Social Networking and Collaborative Learning Environments
Vance Stevens
Kalyan Chattopadhyay
PLEs and PLNs for Lifelong Learning
Susan Burg
Daniela Cuccurullo
Letizia Cinganotto
Podcasting for the EFL/ESL Classroom
Evelyn Izquierdo
Miguel Mendoza
José Rodríguez
Teadira Pérez
Social Networking: Making it Work for You and Your Students!
Alyssa Ruesch
Marlene Johnshoy
Teaching and Language Learning Through Gamification
Paul Braddock
Graham Stanley
Jeff Kuhn
Teaching English to Young Learners and Teens
Dennis Newson
Helen Davies
ffinlo Kilner
TESOL-Drama Workshop: Implementing and Evaluating the Facilitation of English Language learning through Drama
Gary Carkin
Nigel Caplan
Shin-Mei Kao
Susan Hillyard
Leslie Sapp
Fernanda Molla
Holly Dilatush
Tutoring with Web 2.0 Tools – Designing for Social Presence
Mirjam Hauck
Sylvia Warnecke
Digital Tools with Purpose in the Classroom
Mary Hills
Carla Arena
Introduction, reading, listening and writing
And tools
Vance: Training is very important n EVO
Part of the culture of EVO
R. Squires.
The idea, ask the question
1. Where to find the raise hand icon?
Heike reset the icon
Are the EVO sessions MOOC?
Heike: MOOCs
Vance: Webheads are MOOcs. Not a course
EVO=MOOCs. Can be considered courses.
Also a session.Develop syllabus. Design courses, workshops.
How would you characterize this coming together, EVO, webheads,
Vance: Convergence
Q3. Is the internet affecting our brains (minds)for the positive or the negative?
Heike calls it Dementasia. Dementasia is a forgetfulness caused by net-lag
Scottlo: The concept of Here and now, we are connected.
R. Squires: In some way our brain is plastic
Q 4. Are events that are taking for Earth day worldwide?
Peggie: Earthcast
R. Squires: : What’s going on?
Squires: March inWashington DC
Vance: Teaches his students. Links for the presentation
Stream events
R Squires
Q5 What are the most the most exciting developments in education recently?
C Arena . Tablets, smart phone, mobile apps
Educational Tech. Teachers get professional development out of school. Collaboration is much easier now.
Another one: Online curation, like Scoop – IT
José Rodriguez: Earthcast from 2008. Educators from all over the world are connected.
Podcasts are also used.
Vance: Streaming involve people in the event
José: Spanish and English are used
Vance: Anything about the Spanish world?
José. Countries like Argentina and Spain are involved in earthcast
Peggy: No students to do the project.
Chile had the streeming on Friday
Earlier Earthcasts: 24 hours
Teachers and students participated and involved parents and school administrators. Interviewed people
Issues are the same the world around.
Chineses and US students were involved.
They shared on Posterous blog
Vance. Text chats keep active. during the year.
Vance follows earthbridges along the year.
Also in learningtogether blog
Events like VRT bring educators together, the same as the EarthDay
Groups to join:
People should be in contact groups
Vance runs the EVO -MOOc session
Peggy: Online Conference began in 2006 . Technical issues in language education. Different from EVO sessions or a one day event like the Earthday
Wrap up
Vance: All people in this conference are contributors, so that commuties come together. So we all learn together.
Hieki. VRT promotes every moderator.
C Arena: Proposes to have video sessions produced by participants.
EVO machine…
Sheila – EarthCast Echo for the rest of the year.