Panelists in alphabetical order
Teresa Almeida d’Eca , Portugal
Carla Arena,Brazil
Michael Coghlan , e-Learning Consultant and Trainer, Australia
Erika Cruvinel,Brazil
Daf Gonzalez , Spain
Patrick Murphy , Qatar University in the Foundation Program
Vance Stevens , Petroleum Institute, UAE
Jennifer Verschoor , Argentina

Stevens, Verschoor, Coghlan, Arena, and Cruvinel recently connected physically in Argentina and Brazil for a series of face-to-face conference presentations and workshops.

Stevens, Gonzalez, and Almeida d’Eca have just conducted online teacher training events for TESOL in the Principles and Practices of Online Teaching program.

All are innovative educators with long experience in both face-to-face and online teacher training, and long-time active participants in the web-based community of practice and social network, Webheads in Action

They will meet at this event to discuss their involvement with teacher training face-to-face and online, and in virtual worlds. They will focus all of these modalities towards a greater understanding of what teachers need to know and practice in this digital age of greater connectivity with its many affordances and potentials for all kinds of learning.

Bios are coming soon

Panel Discussion: Blended, face-to-face or online? What works where in teacher training?

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