Recording (41min)
Joe McVeigh
Improving your virtual presentation skills
As educators, we are supposed to be the experts on helping others learn. Yet a surprising number of the presentations we deliver or attend (both virtual and F2F) are not as effective as they might be in engaging the attention of the participants. In this interactive presentation, I’ll share insights into how we can share information more effectively. This talk is based on numerous observations of webinars and draws on the work of presentation expert Garr Reynolds, author of Presentation Zen, and the work of brain scientist John Medina. We’ll look at four aspects of presenting: developing participant interaction, keeping the audience engaged, making more effective visuals, and a few technical production tips.
JOE McVEIGH is a specialist in English language teaching. He has taught at universities in the U.S. including Caltech,the University of Southern California, and Middlebury College. He has lived and worked in countries including the UK, China, India, Chile, Hungary, and Saudi Arabia. He has taught students from more than 50 countries. His co-authored books include the Q: Skills for Success series from OUP and Tips for Teaching Culture from Pearson. He also consults for organizations, trains teachers, speaks at conference, edits ELT books, and maintains a website He lives and works in Middlebury, Vermont, U.S.A.