Recording (40min):
Moving pictures, sound and stories are the most powerful way of communicating learning content. For Generation Z, video is the favoured means of communication, expression as well as learning with youtube having become the second most popular community after facebook and the second largest search engine after google. This generation however, is also a highly critical consumer of film and video and educators must be aware of these hightend expectations.
CAMELOT takes up the challenge of ‘video as a new language of learning’ and purposes to train and equip language teachers to produce visually appealing authentic conversations. The technology in focus is machinima, which by definition is “the use of real-time 3D computer graphics, such as video games or virtual worlds, to create cinematic productions” (source Wikipedia). Machinima is a neologism derived from machine and cinema. The actors are avatars and the stage is computer generated imagery. The camera is a screen recording software and these productions are lean and cost-effective. These Video-Podcasts (Vodcasts) are the natural successor to podcasts and the genre digital storytelling meets a creative and popular environment, namely 3D graphics.

Heike Philp, is CEO of let’s talk online sprl, which is a live online technology provider specialised in the field of language learning in real-time in virtual classrooms and virtual worlds. She is the co-initiator of both EU funded LANCELOT and AVALON and runs her own online conference and co-owns EduNation island in Second Life.