Recording (29min):
Dr. Lindy Ledohowski, the CEO of EssayJack Inc., completed her Ph.D. in English at the University of Toronto and her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Ottawa. An award-winning educator, she was both a high school teacher and university professor before co-founding EssayJack Inc. EssayJack is a web application that helps students write better essays by offering interactive, prestructured scaffolding with custom tips and prompts so that they don’t stare at a blank screen. EssayJack as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform has additional educator functionality to help educators teach essay writing more easily. It was launched in beta September 1, 2015 and has already been ranked as a „top three game changing app for students“ by University Affairs and short listed for an ELTons Award in the category of Digital Innovation.