RECORDING: is Europe´s largest online community for learning languages with more than 1 Mio users around the world. We offer free access to interactive language courses in 7 different languages combined with direct interaction with native speakers from our community. Within this session, Bernhard will show you the features of our platform and explain to you, how you can use within your own language courses.

About Bernhard Niesner
Bernhard Niesner, 31 and originally from Austria, is the CEO and one of the co-founders of Before founding this start-up, he worked in an international strategy consulting company for large clients in the consumer goods industry. Bernhard holds a Master degree in International Business from University of Vienna and an MBA of IE Business School. He is fluent in 4 languages and loves kitesurfing and skiing.

Busuu – Europe’s largest online community (1 Mio)

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