Teacher-facilitated immersive language learning

Nergiz Kern, Turkey


Virtual reality has been around for a while and language educators have long been exploring ways of employing this technology for language teaching and learning, hoping to make use of VR affordances such as immersion, presence, and interaction. With the latest developments in the technology, particularly the availability of more affordable, high-quality stand-alone (i.e mobile) headsets, this endeavour has become more feasible.

Most language learning VR apps are designed for a single user experience, that is the learner is alone in the VR environment, interacting with pre-programmed chat bots or recorded dialogues. Immerse is the first VR English teaching platform, in which a group of students experience things and learn together in a lesson facilitated live by a teacher in a safe environment specifically created for language learning and teaching. Teachers can use the ready-made CEFR and GSE-aligned lessons available or can use the Planning Hub to create their own interactive lessons. This is why I think teachers and language institutions should be aware of it.

I will demonstrate the Immerse teacher app and also show what the student experience looks like.

Nergiz Kern is an educational technology professional specialising in virtual reality and blended learning. She is also an editor and an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teacher. All three roles and her background and experiences, such as in photography, digital imaging, business founding, and living and working in different countries and cultures, provide her with insights that she can use in her work to help her clients, students and other teachers.

#virtualreality, #immersivelearning, #vrteaching



Teacher-facilitated immersive language learning

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