Student Voice on the Use of to test legal English
Supardi, Indonesia
This presentation focuses on the experience of using the website with the URL in the classroom. This website was chosen to teach legal English (LE) vocabulary to law students at the University of Jember (Unej) because of its suitability in meeting the needs of Unej law students to master LE vocabulary. To find out whether the website is useful or not for Unej law students, at the end of the class they are asked to write a paragraph regarding their comments on using the website in the classroom. Most of the students stated that the website with the URL was very useful in improving their LE vocabulary mastery. Hopefully this website can also be used by other teachers in teaching LE.
Supardi is a teacher of English at the University of Jember. At this University he is teaching English to law students at the Faculty of Law. To develop his professionalism, Supardi has written some articles published in some international journals. He has also presented some of his papers at the international conferences.
#website, #legalEnglish #ESPterminology