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Pecha Kucha Night

23. April 2010 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Friday, 23 April 2010 – 8pm GMT (9pm London Time)
Hawaii 10am, Los Angeles 1pm, New York 4pm, London 9pm, Paris 10pm, Dubai midnight (Thu/Fri), New Delhi 1:30pm, Beijing 4am (Fri), Tokyo 5am (Fri), Sydney 6am (Fri)
For World Time click here

NEW VENUE http://ecampus.mpa.uni-kassel.de/lancelot

A Pecha Kucha is a speedy presentation technique which originated 2003 in Japan and has since taken on a world-tour and todate Pecha Kucha nights are taking place regularily in 250+ cities around the world.

What is still relatively new though is to hold Pecha Kuchas live online in a virtual classroom. Kudos to all presenters who have the courage to do so!

Stay tuned for our contest, Guess the PK Presenter?, where you will be able to win some fantastic prizes! You will be able to participate on Thursday and Friday before both of the Pecha Kucha events.

Pecha Kucha Night


23. April 2010
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm


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