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OUR Lesson

13. November 2009 @ 11:00 am - 11:15 am

Paris 12pm, Dubai 3pm, Tokyo 7pm, Sydney 10pm, New York 6am


OURlesson is a straightforward system for capturing lessons, meetings and presentations, as well as their content, using a local screen and video recording application, and then automatically publishing those sessions to a secure website for anytime, anywhere access to authorised users. It has been designed to provide any teacher with the means to capture their lessons and upload them to the internet effortlessly and without having to worry about the technology, so that their students can use the recordings as a resource to learn and revise from.

OURlesson’s key features are its incredible ease and speed of use, its flexibility, scalability and the fact that we host and manage the content, thus minimising the burden on a school’s IT and support systems. The recordings are captured in dual-screen and can be accessed through any standard internet browser.

About Ben Palmer:
Ben Palmer is the Business Development Manager for OURlesson. His role is to engage with potential customers and partners, as well as educators, students, developers and learning enthusiasts to promote OURlesson and to find out how we can best develop OURlesson to have the greatest benefit for the schools, educators and learners that will use it.

OUR Lesson


13. November 2009
11:00 am - 11:15 am


Adobe ConnectPro