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MultiMOOC EVO 2014

27. April 2014 @ 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Main Venue ARTHUR


World Clock Sun 2pm GMT3pm London, 4pm Paris, 11pm Tokyo, 10am New York

This session applies connectivist and multiliteracies approaches to exploring recent developments and issues in open learning, and how these might apply to more conventional settings.  The session is paced on Cormier’s 5 stages of MOOC participation: orient, declare, network, cluster, focus. Participants declare their personal goals for the course and trace their progress through eportfolios, either simple or elaborate, and accumulation of badges. Any reasonable level of participation earns a badge in the course.

Vance Stevens was 20 years an ESL lecturer and CALL coordinator before becoming CALL software developer and consultant, lecturer in computing, teacher coordinator at the Naval College, CERT/HCT, Abu Dhabi, and most recently, English teacher at the UAE air college in Al Ain. He founded Webheads in Action in 1998 and has coordinated that community of practice ever since, including organizing three free international online teacher conferences. He was founding member and past chair of the CALL-IS in TESOL, he has taught in two of TESOL’s online professional development programs, and is a coordinator of the TESOL-affiliated Electronic Village Online sessions, where he has been a facilitator each year since 2002.  He has been working for the past decade on promoting professional development and learner autonomy via social media and collaboration in online spaces. He has numerous publications and presentations, both on-site and online, listed at http://vancestevens.com/papers/. He currently serves on executive board of APACALL, and the editorial boards of TESL-EJ, CALL Journal, and Writing & Pedagogy.

MultiMOOC EVO 2014


27. April 2014
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Adobe Connect