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AVALON Learning Event: French Summer in Second Life

4. August 2010 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Wednesday, 4 August 2010, 11am GMT/ 4am SL time
12pm noon London, 7am New York, 8pm Tokyo
World Time click HERE

and a repeat of the tour
Wednesday, 4 August 2010, 7pm GMT/ 12pm noon SL time
8pm London, 3pm New York, 4am Tokyo
for World Time click HERE

Come and join us for a visit to a romantic fishing village in Second Life, a reproduction of the popular seasight resort Arcachon.

EASE OF ACCESS POINT: This event will also be streamed in Adobe ConnectPro for easy viewing (no avatar, no installation required)

TOUR GUIDE will be Edith Paillat aka Cyber Placebo, who will conduct the tour in French and in English.

Although intended to be a light hearted summer fun tour, we will explore the potential of virtual language travel in Second Life for language learning and search out for places where French is spoken in the streets.

This event will be streamed in Adobe ConnectPro (no avatar, no installation is required)

AVALON Learning Event: French Summer in Second Life


4. August 2010
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Arcachon in Second Life and Adobe ConnectPro